Web Design Articles2016-01-27T09:39:54+00:00

Happy Earth Day

  We all see the “save a tree” encouragements designed to shame us into not using paper, but are they really true? No, in North America trees are doing just fine thanks.  It is blatant

Hell Freezes Over

At least that is how one of my favorite Blogs, Dead Tree Edition describes it, but it is good news

Pity the poor printer

Pity the poor printer.  Beset by the Internets, iPads, Smart Phones, Kindles, Pay Walls and all things electronic, but, HA, we still have you if you want to hold a real newspaper or magazine in your hand. Or we do until Meganews hits the streets.  The concept behind Meganews is

Printing. Funny?

So you think printing is boring ink on paper stuff.  Ha. Printing is funny. Here are my two favorite typo stories from the last thirty years. I’m visiting my good friends and customers at Redding Homes.  The Publisher is a restrained military type married to a very sweet, quiet, shy

Winner, Winner Sushi Dinner

Western Web is just giddy to announce we’ve been honored with four awards at Printing Industries of America’s, Web Offset Association (WOA) 2013 Print Awards Competition.  We received two firsts and two seconds.  Western Web has won seven first place awards in this competition in four years.  No other open

Using Paper KILLS TREES!

Nonsense, trees are a renewable resource.  Did you know there are more trees in the USA than there were on the 1st Earth Day in 1970?  Western Web only buys from domestic mills with a record of sustainability. Besides, paper is still a very valuable part of everyday life.  As



In virtually every other country in the world, the weights of various paper types are described by the simple definition of grams per meter squared (GMS). In Montreal, Paris, or Kabul for that matter, 52 GMS paper is heavier than 45 GMS. However we live in the USA where we

Hell Freezes Over

At least that is how one of my favorite Blogs, Dead Tree Edition describes it, but it is good news for mailers. April 10 postal rates will go down for the first time since World War 1. This is not based on the generosity of the Postal Service as evidenced

Let’s Work Together


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